Impact Bureau Service is available to conduct the full 360 process or on-line surveys on your behalf. This includes: setting up surveys (standard or customised); contacting and monitoring 'targets' and assessors; generating and issuing reports. Telephone feedback is also available, if required. Please
contact us for further details.
Perspectives 360s have been developed by experienced chartered psychologists and are based on many years of validated research and practice. The aim was to integrate the very best that psychological theory has to offer and relate this to the needs of leaders, managers, teams and individuals in the world of modern business. All tools and techniques based on the Psychologica Model™can be used together, as they share common themes which are illustrated by simple colour coding in all materials. These can even be linked to personality dimensions (Five Factor Model) and support is available to users to do this if required, in addition to various materials and approaches for coaches and practitioners. Psychologica™ provides a fully integrated approach to Organisational Development and Service Quality.
The various instruments in the range draw on a bank of competency items which has been developed over a period of 15 years and is based on research into a wide range of competency models, in a number of private and public sector organisations. Items have been trialled with thousands of organisational staff and customers and good internal consistency has been established for the scales used (Alpha levels typically between 0.7 and 0.9). Surveys are managed using a powerful and unique project management platform, developed over 3 years of user trials, which is both sophisticated and straightforward to use. Psychologica Practitioners are able to access advanced features, enabling them to customise items or manage complexprojects. For example: assessing key characteristics at different levels across the organisation simultaneously, with items within given dimensions tailored to address issues of importance to leader, manager, supervisor and operator levels. This allows skills assessment across all levels of the organisation and can be used in linking organisational factors with customer experience – eg: Psychologica Links™.
Qualified Practitioners have access to information and support in using the model for: in depth feedback and coaching; a wide range of OD interventions; Board and Team development workshops; customisable 360 surveys; and climate change programmes. Practitioners receive a full bound manual, free access to a number of on-line or paper-based diagnostic surveys and workshop slides; quantity discounts on Psychologica Products; regular updates on new materials; and breaking news on networking and associate opportunities. A number of training and induction options are available, please
contact us for further details.
Leadership Standard is designed to provide useful development information for Leaders and Senior Managers, with minimum impact on organizational down-time.
Leadership Standard is a full 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the
Psychologica Model™ with the minimum amount of survey items. The report shows ‘self’ scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and ‘other’, indicating possible ‘development gaps’ in all areas of leadership skill. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to ‘hidden strengths’ and ‘blind spots’, and a number of ‘open question’ responses (‘do more of’, ‘do less of, ‘carry on with’).
Leadership Plus is designed to provide in-depth development information for Leaders and Senior Managers, including recognition of alternative behavioural changes necessary to adopt these. It is recommended that this is fed back by a development professional.
Leadership Plus is a comprehensive 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the
Psychologica Modelâ„¢ in more depth than Leadership Standard. The report shows 'self' scores, in comparison to those of other key colleagues (manager, peers, staff, 'other') indicating possible 'development gaps'. The survey consists of 208 items leading to an in-depth report, exploring leadership competences and the Personal Style through which these are expressed. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses.
Fully Customisable 360 options are available to qualified
Psychologica Practitioners. These are structured on the same validated model as the standard products, but allow you to select your own questions from a comprehensive item bank, customise these, or create your own items. This is particularly useful when conducting an organization-wide programme or when incorporating industry-specific concepts and terms. You can save your surveys as templates for future use. In order to assure the integrity of all tools based on the model, and maintain validity, it is a requirement that all practitioners have a full understanding of the model and its range of uses - and best practice in item generation. There are also various additional advantages and cost savings in becoming a
qualified practitioner, for any development professionals or regular users.
Strategic Leadership is designed to provide useful development information for those in the transitional stages between senior management and leadership positions - or to help existing leaders enhance their strategic perspective.
Strategic Leadership is a 360° Survey and Report which focuses on competences within the 'blue zone' - the strategic area of the
Psychologica Modelâ„¢. This includes 'thinking skills', such as logical analysis, innovation, problem solving and decision making, as well the communication and organizational abilities required to develop strategy, make plans and manage outcomes. The report shows 'self' scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and 'other', indicating possible development gaps. Scores are amalgamated to indicate current preferences for strategic vs operational approaches, helping 'strategists' to understand operational realities and 'operationalists' to understand the wider context in which they are working. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('do more of', 'do less of', 'carry on with').
Engaging with Others is designed to provide useful development information for Leaders, Senior Managers or Individuals who want to 'get on better' with clients, colleagues or staff. Emotional awareness and management skills are generally regarded as more important for personal success than IQ.
Engaging with Others is a 360° Survey and Report which focuses on competences within the 'yellow zone' - the 'emotion management' area of the
Psychologica Modelâ„¢. This includes inter-personal skills, such as team-focus, communication and adaptation. The report shows 'self' scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and 'other', indicating possible development gaps. Derived scores indicate preferred ways of interacting with others (Inter-personal Style) and performance in the four main areas of 'Emotional Competence' (often referred to collectively as 'Emotional Intelligence' ). Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('do more of', 'do less of', 'carry on with').
Leadership Styles & Climate describes strengths and weaknesses of given styles and when best to use them. Evidence shows that different leadership styles impact on organizational climate in different ways, influencing staff engagement and service outcomes. Development benefits include recognition of alternative and complementary approaches and the behavioural changes necessary to adopt these.
Leadership Styles & Climate is a comprehensive 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the
Psychologica Modelâ„¢. The report shows 'self' scores, in comparison to those of other key colleagues (manager, peers, staff, 'other') indicating possible 'development gaps'. Emphasis is placed on preferred Leadership Style and the affect of this on organizational climate and also the Personal Style through which this may be expressed. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('the climate of the organization could be improved by....' etc).
We do not require expensive annual license fees for you to be a user of our products. But we do want to ensure best practice – especially in the sensitive area of 360° feedback.
All registered practitioners need to demonstrate some level of competence in working with psychometrics and managing client issues. We recommend participation in one of our practitioner training workshops, where you will learn about the model and its numerous applications. You will gain knowledge in selecting the right products and interpreting and feeding back the various reports. In some cases, existing qualifications may be acceptable (such as level B and/or advanced coaching accreditation).
There are numerous advantages to becoming a qualified practitioner: access to customisable versions of the 360 survey (level B qualified only) and some diagnostics which are currently only available as a bureau service. Additional materials are also available, such as: various on-line or paper-based materials; workshop slides; quantity discounts on Psychologica Products; regular updates on new materials; and breaking news on networking and associate opportunities. In addition, certificates of attendance are provided, as evidence of Continuing Professional Development.
A number of training and induction options are available, to help develop competence in a number of areas of coaching and development. Contact us for more information or to book a workshop place
You need to buy Psychologica Units to pay for products. These are credited to your account and deducted when you launch 360° survey projects.
The product charge is per 360° ‘Target’ – you can include as many assessors as you like and download as many reports as you need, at no extra charge.
Different products use different numbers of units and these are shown for each product, on the relevant product page.
There is no minimum order, but the more you buy the lower the unit price – and therefore the product cost can be reduced considerably.
If you only want to carry out one survey then you may prefer to check our bureau service
Units are not time limited and do not expire, so can be ‘banked’
There is no licence fee. If you are registered and qualified to use the tools you can start buying units and use products straight away.
VAT will be added to prices shown
Price Band
£ per Unit
< 200
201 – 1000
1001 – 4000
4001 +