
Psychologica is a learning organization. We adopt best practices and actively contribute to the generation of new knowledge.

Dr Phil Bardzil has been involved in a number of high level research projects over the years, in the areas of: occupational psychology, service quality, staff competence, personality, aging in the workplace, and leadership style.

Resulting from £500,000 of research investment and subsequent validation through extensive peer review, this has contributed towards one of the most well researched and validated approaches to integrated individual and organizational development available anywhere. Developed by Dr Phil Bardzil, at Manchester Business School, the Psychologica Model™ emerged from analysis of customers’ perceptions of service quality and is designed to enhance the organizational and leadership factors which impact on service climate, customer retention and bottom line profit.

Publications and Conference Papers

Bardzil. P (2018) ‘A One-Stop Approach for Coaches? Development of an Integrated Psychological Model’, Coaching Perspectives: The Association for Coaching Global Magazine, Issue 17, April, pp. 35-37.

Bardzil. P (2015) ‘A Unifying Model for Occupational Psychology?’, Occupational Psychology Matters. Journal of Division of Occupational Psychology, British Psychological Society. No 26. June. pp. 10-14.

Bardzil. P (2007) ‘Modelling the Service Experience: An Exploration of the Role of Psychological Factors as Antecedents of Customer, Staff and Organizational Perceptions and Behaviours’. A Thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of PhD.

Bardzil. P & Cartwright. S (2004) ‘Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence as an Antecedent of Service Quality ‘, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, St Andrews , Scotland.

Bardzil. P & Slaski. M (2003) ‘Emotional Intelligence: fundamental competencies for enhanced service provision’, Managing Service Quality, 13,2, pp.97-10.

Bardzil. P & Slaski. M (2002) ‘Modeling and Measuring Key Determinants of the Customer’s Service Experience’, Quality in Service: Crossing Borders, University of Victoria Faculty of Business, Victoria BC – also presentation at QUIS 2002 conference , June.

Slaski. M & Bardzil. P (2002) ‘Emotional Intelligence: fundamental competencies for enhanced service provision’, Quality in Service: Crossing Borders, University of Victoria Faculty of Business, Victoria BC – also presentation at QUIS 2002 conference , June.

Bardzil. P , Lewis. B & Robertson. I (2000) ‘Understanding Customer Service: Modeling the Determinants of the Service Experience’ Service Quality in the New Economy: Interdisciplinary and International Dimensions, ISQA New York – also presentation at QUIS 2000, Karlstaad, June.

Bardzil. P , Robertson. I & Lewis. B (1999) ‘Stability and Change in Customers’ Assessments of Service Quality’ British Academy of Management conference proceedings, Sept.

Bardzil. P , Robertson. I, Lewis. B & Nikolaou. I (1999) ‘The Influence of Personality Factors on Customers’ Perceptions of Service Quality’. Working Paper, UMIST – also presentation at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology conference, Helsinki , May.