Product ranges

360 - Standard

This is a generic survey consisting of x items which takes assessors on average x min to complete. Items are worded to be appropriate for users at different levels, within the organisation, and this is managed automatically by the system - once you specify 'target' role during set up. This is ideal where competences need to be mapped across a whole organisation or where a wide range of roles may be involved in a project

360 Perspectives - Custom Version

This allows you access to a wide database of items, structured within the Psychologica competency model - in order to create your own tailored 360° tool. A selection of alternative items is available for each skill area and you can select those which are worded most appropriately for your sector or staff specialism. You can also modify existing items or create your own. Once set up, customised surveys may be saved as templates for future you exclusive use

360 - Leadership Standard

Leadership Standard is a full 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the Psychologica Model™ with the minimum amount of survey items. The report shows 'self' scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and 'other', indicating possible 'development gaps' in all areas of leadership skill. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('do more of', 'do less of', 'carry on with'). Leadership Standard is designed to provide useful development information for Leaders and Senior Managers, with minimum survey impact on organizational down-time.

360 - Engaging with Others

'Engaging with Others' is a 360° Survey and report which focuses on the interpersonal aspect of the Psychologica Model™. The report shows 'self' scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and 'other', indicating 'development gaps' - with regard to communicating, collaborating and engaging with, and adapting to, others. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots'. 'Derived scores' are included, showing Emotionally Intelligent behaviours and preferred Interpersonal Style. This report is particularly useful for leaders who need to engage with partners, stakeholders or staff; and professionals who wish to improve client facing skills.

360 - Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership is a 360° Survey and Report which focuses on competences within the 'Strategic' area of the Psychologica Model™ ('blue zone'). This includes 'thinking skills', such as logical analysis, innovation, problem solving and decision making, as well the communication and organizational abilities required to develop strategy, make plans and manage outcomes. The report shows 'self' scores in comparison to those of line manager/peers/staff and 'other', indicating possible development gaps. Derived scores indicate current preferences for strategic vs operational approaches, helping 'strategists' to understand operational realities and 'operationalists' to understand the wider context in which they are working. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('do more of', 'do less of', 'carry on with').
Strategic Leadership is designed to provide useful development information for those in the transitional stages between senior management and leadership positions - or to help existing leaders enhance their strategic perspective.

360 - Leadership Style & Climate

Leadership Styles & Climate is a comprehensive 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the Psychologica Model™. The report shows 'self' scores, in comparison to those of other key colleagues (manager, peers, staff, 'other') indicating possible 'development gaps'. Emphasis is placed on preferred Leadership Style and the affect of this on organizational climate and also the Personal Style through which this may be expressed. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses ('the climate of the organization could be improved by....' etc).
Evidence shows that different leadership styles impact on organizational climate in different ways, influencing staff engagement and service outcomes. The report describes strengths and weaknesses of given styles and when best to use them. Development benefits include recognition of alternative and complementary approaches and the behavioural changes necessary to adopt these.

360 - Leadership Plus

Leadership Plus is a comprehensive 360° Survey and Report which covers all competency areas and dimensions of the Psychologica Model™ in more depth than Leadership Standard. The report shows 'self' scores, in comparison to those of other key colleagues (manager, peers, staff, 'other') indicating possible 'development gaps'. The survey consists of 208 items leading to an in-depth report, exploring leadership competences and the Personal Style through which these are expressed. Highest and lowest scoring items are appended to the report, in addition to 'hidden strengths' and 'blind spots', and a number of 'open question' responses.
Leadership Plus is designed to provide in-depth development information for Leaders and Senior Managers, including recognition of alternative behavioural changes necessary to adopt these. It is recommended that this is fed back by a development professional.

Reflections Survey - Custom Version

This allows you access to a wide database of items, structured within the Psychologica competency model - in order to create your own tailored 360° tool. A selection of alternative items is available for each skill area and you can select those which are worded most appropriately for your sector or staff specialism. You can also modify existing items or create your own. Once set up, customised surveys may be saved as templates for future you exclusive use

Links Staff - Custom Version

<b>Linksâ„¢ Staff Survey</b> provides an in-depth analysis of staff engagement levels and perceptions of the organization, in terms of the prevailing climate and both leadership and management styles. Research has shown clear associations between leadership behaviours, organizational climate and service quality outcomes. This survey and report picks up on these 'links' and shows current climate and engagement levels and how these are affected by perceptions of leadership styles used.
The report is structured around the Psychologica Modelâ„¢ and features a wealth of output information and development advice in three main sections: Staff Engagement; Organizational Climate; Leadership Style. Gap scores are provided showing the difference between perception and importance scores, as an indication of urgency. Demographic breakdowns are available, to cut data according to department, region, etc; in addition to open free-text responses from staff. On-line surveys are anonymous and have been optimised at 50 items, to maximize response and minimize organizational downtime. Products in the Linksâ„¢ range can be used to integrate customer perceptions with staff behaviours, plus additional diagnostics for leadership assessment (Leadership Styles & Climate 360). Output relates directly to established approaches in Organizational and Individual Development based on the Psychologica Modelâ„¢

Links Customer - Custom Version

<b>Linksâ„¢ Customer Survey</b> provides an in-depth analysis of customer perceptions of the service delivered by the organization, based on several key factors. Research has shown clear associations between leadership behaviours, organizational climate and service quality outcomes. This survey picks up on these 'links' and shows how customer experiences are affected by the service climate and staff engagement levels as well as other organizational factors<br/><br/>The report is structured around the Psychologica Modelâ„¢, based on comprehensive research showing links between service experiences, climate and engagement, and the leadership style used in the organization. This features a wealth of information and development advice to link survey outputs to clear developmental steps, in order to address issues identified and improve service quality (in a number of key areas) and increase customer loyalty and organizational profitability. A range of demographic information helps organizations to segment their customers more effectively and further in-depth analysis is available, based on these demographic or organizational groups, if required. Gap scores are provided showing the difference between perception and importance scores, as an indication of urgency. Free-text responses are also available, in the form of a customer 'suggestion box'. On-line surveys are anonymous and have been optimised to minimize items (depending on product chosen, can be as few as 15 items plus any demographics) and survey time, in order to maximize customer. Other products in the Linksâ„¢ range can be used to integrate customer perceptions with staff behaviours, plus additional diagnostics for leadership assessment (Leadership Styles & Climate 360). Output relates directly to established approaches in Organizational and Individual Development based on the Psychologica Modelâ„¢

Skills Spectrum - Custom Version

<b>Reflections Skills Spectrum, Custom version,</b> is designed to provide useful development information to support Individual Development, Team Workshops, Individual Appraisals, Careers Development, Personal Development Plans or Coaching programmes. It is self-assessed through a saveable online survey and results in a customized report including: 33 ranked strengths and qualities, 'development gaps' in key areas, overall skill profile, open 'self-reflection' questions (optional), framework for creating personal development plans and additional 'derived scores' as required - such as indication of likely 'Interpersonal Style'.
Fully Customizable options are available through our Bureau Service. These are structured on the same validated model as the standard products, but allow you to select your own question items from a comprehensive item bank, customize these, or create your own. This is particularly useful when conducting an organization-wide programme, using industry-specific concepts and terms or when working with a specialist role. Survey setup templates can be saved for future use (with similar roles or for a re-test in the future).

Reflections - Skills Spectrum

<b>Reflections Skills Spectrum</b> is designed to provide useful development information to support Individual Development, Team Workshops, Individual Appraisals, Careers Development, Personal Development Plans or Coaching programmes. It is self-assessed through a saveable online survey and results in a customized report including: 33 ranked strengths and qualities, 'development gaps' in key areas, overall skill profile and a framework for reflection and for creating personal development plans. Reports are based on 'raw scores' only, for this product.

Skills Spectrum - Personal Development Profile

The <i>Skills Spectrum - Personal Development Profile</i> is focused specifically on individual appraisal and career development with customized output reports for feeding back in 1-2-1 sessions. A key feature is the ability to set a 'personal aspiration' and create 'gap scores', showing any need for development in reaching those specified goals (or 'burn-out skills', where they have already been exceeded). The 'spectrum' consists of 30 key behaviours, or skills, which are ranked according to individual strengths, resulting in a unique skills 'type' for each respondent. Possible 'dark side' outcomes are also indicated, for over-use or inappropriate application of skills, and theoretical correspondences may be made between these types and various alternative approaches (MBTI, Belbin, etc).
On-line surveys result in customized individual reports showing skills profiles and ranked strengths. These can be compared to outputs from other related instruments from the Psychologica range, such as Staff Engagement/Climate and Customer Perception surveys ('<b>Links</b>'). This allows the <i>skills spectrum</i> to be used as part of a wider Organizational Development process, linking individual and group behaviours with identified customer and staff needs and preferences. Reports are presented as 'work books' with supplementary questions and 'action steps' to allow further exploration of key development opportunities as part of a <i>personal development plan</i>.
<ul style="margin: -10px 0 0 30px;color: #939393;line-height: 3px;"><li>Saveable online survey takes approx 10 to 15 minutes</li><li>Batch set-up available to manage a cohort or group of individuals simultaneously</li><li>Further details from <span style="font-weight: 900;">Psychologica Product Pages</span></li></ul>

Skills Spectrum - Strengths Profile

<span style="font-style: italic;">Skills Spectrum Strengths Profile</span> can be used to support both individual and team development and may be fed back in 1-2-1s or workshop contexts, along with associated development exercises. Individual strengths outcomes can be amalgamated into a <span style="font-weight: 900;">team report</span>, to profile teams types and strengths and as an aid to team coaching approaches. The 'spectrum' consists of 30 key behaviours, or skills, which are ranked according to individual strengths, resulting in a unique skills 'type' for each respondent. Possible 'dark side' outcomes are also indicated, for over-use or inappropriate application of skills, and theoretical correspondences may be made between these types and various alternative approaches (MBTI, Belbin, etc).
On-line surveys result in customized individual reports showing skills profiles and ranked strengths. These can be compared to outputs from other related instruments from the Psychologica range, such as Staff Engagement/Climate and Customer Perception surveys ('<b>Links</b>'). This allows the <i>skills spectrum</i> to be used as part of a wider Organizational Development process, linking individual and group behaviours with identified customer and staff needs and preferences.
<ul style="margin: -10px 0 0 30px;color: #939393;line-height: 3px;"><li>Saveable online survey takes approx 10 to 15 minutes</li><li>Batch set-up available to manage a cohort or group of individuals simultaneously</li><li>Further details from <span style="font-weight: 900;">Psychologica Product Pages</span></li></ul>

360 Feedback - Assoc Dir Std


360 Feedback - Leadership