You have been asked to participate in a 360° Analysis project in which your views are needed - to provide information for the personal and professional development of a workplace colleague. This individual will be the 'target' of the 360 process and various people, such as yourself, have been invited to act a 'Assessors'.
360° Analysis is a powerful aid to development which explores and compares individual's self-perceptions, regarding their skills and abilities, with work colleagues' assessments of their performance. This can be regarded as a 'reality check' - an objective way of establishing individual's areas of strength and areas where development is required. However, this is only valid where a sufficient number of colleagues participate in the process, to give a rounded and balanced view of the individual concerned. Therefore it is important that you respond to this request within the time limit stated, to ensure your views are included in the 360 process
Once the 360 Project has been set up and activated you will receive a link to the survey, along with personal log-in instructions. You do not have to complete it in one go and can save and return to your survey at any point, while the project is live, using the instructions provided. Try to be as objective and honest as possible in your responses. It may be tempting to score colleagues you like highly on their performance, or to be less generous with individuals you may not get on with. Please try to avoid this and remember that this individual is unlikely to improve without honest feedback. You can only rate an individual's performance where you have had actual experience of it, so if you are not able to respond honestly to any question please use the 'dont know' option.
Above all, please recognise that a 360 Project is a considerable expense to the organisation, in terms of both set-up time and organisational down-time, on the part of Assessors. The fact that the organisation is making this investment is an indication of the value placed on employees and recognition of the benefits which their ongoing development can bring - to individual and organisation alike. So please do fill in the survey as soon as you can, to ensure this is a successful project from which there is mutual benefit.